
the closest i’ve ever come to a scientific experiment
26 August 2017

31 August 2017
When I was in the second grade, I distinctly remember sitting at my desk, organizing and re-organizing whatever paper and notebooks I had in front of me, like I was a secretary. It was an all-encompassing action that involved touch, smell (remember ditto sheets?), sound, sight and taste (yes, taste). I awaited the handing back of corrected homework with an anticipation reserved for those expecting a loved one to arrive. I so wanted to be a secretary.
It was, however, bittersweet because as early as seven I knew I wanted to be an artist when I grew up. Little did I know that the love of secretarial work would stay with me for forty odd years and that I would find a way to merge the two.
The exhibition became homage to the men and women behind the scenes, un-credited and quiet. The set-up itself transformed into a shrine resembling a church with its stained-glass windows, pews, altar and scripture.
When: 2014
Where: The Sultan Gallery
Ledgers 1-8 If you’re familiar with our governmental institutions, you may recoil with horror when you see these. They are analog at its cruelest. But once desecrated by art, they become objects of beauty.
The Kalamazoo Wall Here my days are recorded in a visual diary spanning four months. This is a set of 532 drawings I created using ballpoint pens, pencils, colored pencils, stamps and carbon paper.
Carbon Emissions, 2012-2014 (From left to right, A-J) I have been working with carbon paper for years now. We have worked well together and I must say that this is one carbon footprint I’m proud of.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]
Photo Credit
Jana Alnaqeeb and Mohammed Alkandari